

Britt's pasta salad

The key to this yummo recipe is the pairing of Herbes De Provence with Kalamata Olives. The two were made for each other. If you're having trouble finding Herbes de provence, Whole Foods is where we found ours. For a not so Vegan spin, Goat Chevre also goes well crumbled on top of this dish before serving.

Pasta (Bow Tie or Penne)
Red Cabbage
Fresh tomatoes
Green Bell Pepper
Fresh Parsley
Green onions
Kalamata olives
Lime juice
Rice Vinegar
Olive Oil
Herbes De Provence
Salt and pepper

1. Cook pasta till al dente and drain. Rinse pasta under cool water until pasta is room temperature, drain again, place in large bowl. Add olive oil liberally and toss.
2. Chop all veggies small, including kalamata olives and parsley and add to pasta.
3. Season to taste with herbes de provence, lime juice, rice vinegar, salt and pepper, and perhaps a little more olive oil.

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